People hunt crows because they are notorious for feasting on farm produce, seedlings, and certain livestock. On the other hand, they can make for a fun sporting activity. But, this is not all there is to crow hunting. In this article, I have compiled some reasons people hunt crows and tips should you want to try this sport if you are curious about why crow hunting, read on!

Why Hunt Crows?
Crows like to eat, and one factor that makes them function well is food. This is why they move to different areas searching for something to eat. Interestingly, this animal does not just depend on one source of food. They are omnivorous animals and feeds on both animals and farm produce. Most farmers see this feeding method as destructive because the crow does not just feast uninvited on their livestock’s but also farm produce, which may be their major sources of income. Hence, the reason why they hunt crows. Apart from this, many people hunt crows for various reasons. Some of them may include:

1. They Are A Threat to Farmers
They are highly smart, Intelligent, and noisy birds making them problematic to farmers and homeowners. These animals constitute a nuisance for peanuts, sunflowers, pecans, and even prey on some livestock. Apart from this, they cause a lot of damage to vegetables and watermelon farms.
2. Threats to Wildlife
Apart from this, this bird feeds on some animals’ eggs, like the quail, turkeys, waterfowl, and even pheasants. They feed on weak and defenseless offspring, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, carrion to the point where most birds are at risk of becoming extinct in areas with large numbers of crows.

3. Crows Serve as Meat
Yes! People eat crows. However, this may sound unappealing as the animal feeds on even dead particles. But, Its meat is not toxic or harmful. They are edible food and a great source of meat for many.
4. They Constitute Nuisance
Aside from being a threat to wildlife and farm produce, these birds are known noisemakers around housing areas. Found in both urban and suburban areas, they could make a mess of the cities with their droppings and sometimes damage valuables.

5. Perfect for Blood-Sporting
The most intriguing and exciting reason to hunt crow is the fun of doing so. Hunting crows could be a perfect avenue for learning shooting sports.
Crows are smart birds and are not easy to kill. It takes great skill to the best crow decoys, call the crows and shoot from a long range. Apart from this, they play a significant role in the farm by consuming disease-carrying insects. They also help to keep the city clean by eating up wastes, dead fishes in the river. Notwithstanding the many benefits of the crow, it does not erase the fact that they are highly destructive to crops, faunas, and the environment. Hunting them is the best way to control them since they are difficult to drive away.
Is Crow Hunting Worth It?
Yes, Crow hunting is always fun, most especially when it gives you a chance to sharpen your hunting and shooting skills. Sport hunting is full of fun, and if you are anything close to an adventurist, you may find this very intriguing because you get to hunt one unique migratory species of bird, the crow.

Crow Hunting Tips
Crows are intelligent birds, and as such, should not be underestimated. One must ensure a perfect crow hunting decoy is strategically placed to lure the bird. Moreover, it is not a sport that requires quick action. Instead, it entails detailed planning and preparation. For the best hunting experience, you will need to know some crow hunting techniques to use. Some crow hunting tips include:
- Understand the nature of the bird
- Know where to look for crows
- Study their flyways carefully
- Hunting in the early hours of the morning or late during the evening is the best.
- Make sure your camouflage keeps you unnoticed
- Be sure to take a shot at a suitable range.
- Don’t stop practicing
Do crows attack humans?
Yes, crows attack humans. This happens if the crow feels threatened or randomly tries to protect its chicks.
Do Crows Communicate?
Yes, in some sought of ways. The crow makes the “craw” sound to alert its family of a lurking threat, which in most cases is the hunter.
How smart are crows?
Very smart! They recognize people, ‘talk’ about them to fellow crows, remember what you did, adapt easily, plans ahead. According to research, they are as smart as a seven-year-old and are capable of solving complex problems.
Do crows remember human faces?
Yes, crows do not forget human faces, even up to approximately five years. People say they hold grudges.
Does the federal law protect crows?
Absolutely! Under the protection of federal laws like the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, hunters have to follow setout guidelines during the crow hunting seasons.
If crows are regarded as one the most intelligent and smart birds ever, then why crow hunting? They’ve got high destructive tendencies on crops, livestock, and a murder of crows, if untamed, could wipe off smaller faunas to extinction. They make up an interesting bird for sport hunting and could be a great source of meat for those who find it edible.