Today, hunters possess an arsenal of weapons to hunt their prey. And one of the most exciting weapons is the hunter’s bow. However, do you know why hunting with bow is necessary to catching prey?
Well, read on, as I will provide you with great information and the main reason to hunt with a bow.
That’s not all.
I will highlight what you need to know about bow hunting, why hunters hunt with a bow, and what to hunt with a bow.

Why Hunting With Bow?
Generally, animal hunting in an open field usually occurs by a hunter using whatever available means to catch the prey. Often, some hunters use a bow and arrow for the fun and challenge it requires.
Unlike other weapons, hunting prey with a bow requires patience, skill, and focus – which some hunters love. However, hunting prey with a bow causes a significantly higher amount of pain and suffering.
Here is the thing.
Some bow hunting facts suggest that the wound rate is higher with prolonged suffering while the animals remain conscious. For this reason, there are some prohibited bow and arrow-related weapons like the crossbow in most regions around the world.
So, why then do they love bow hunting?
Aside from the law against using bow and arrow, the weapon shows the hunter’s professionalism and marksmanship. Anyone can use a gun; however, skills and techniques are necessary to perform bow hunting successfully.
Furthermore, using weapons like guns can scare other prey with its loud bang after being fired. But hunters with a bow get to hunt for multiple games silently. Regardless, the bow and arrow aren’t entirely noiseless.

4 Reasons to Hunt With Bow
For non-bowhunters, there is always the reoccurring question, “why do hunters love to bow hunt?” And the answer to this question is in this section.
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons to bow hunting.
1. Silent Hunting Spree
Well, this is one of the advantages to bow hunting. I will state that hunters love to hunt with a bow due to the stealth and silence that comes with it, especially during the bow season.
Unlike firearms, hunting with a bow rarely alerts other prey hanging around your catch – meaning you can hunt more animals.
When on a stealth mission to catch multiple animals with a deer hunting compound bow, you have an advantage over your prey.
The swift silence of your bow and arrow will not cause the same disruption as an echoing gunshot.

2. Improves Your Skills
If you want to sharpen your hunting aim, a bow and arrow are better for improving your marksmanship. According to a survey, 58% of hunters stated they preferred hunting with a bow because of the challenge it offers. Additionally, in trying to overcome the challenge, their aim and marksmanship get improved.
3. Longer Bow Hunting Season
The bowhunting season tends to clash simultaneously in the year when the game and other prey animals are plentiful.
And in states like Minnesota, their bow season usually lasts up to several months long. In contrast, the gun season lasts only about two weekends.
4. Gives the Prey A Fighting Chance
Undoubtedly, the bow and arrow lack the level of accuracy as a firearm. Using a bow and arrow automatically gives the prey a slight chance at survival.
Do you love the challenge?
If you do, then this reason is enough for you to try out hunting with a bow. You will need to be steady with your hands and sharp on your feet to catch your game.
What Can You Hunt With A Bow?
Are you wondering what animals’ hunters can catch with a bow? Well, this section will reveal some animals.
1. Bears
Bears are large game animals with sharp hearing ears that alert them of movements. Using a bow will better place your hunt at an advantage of success because of the silence. To hunt a bear with a bow, aim your arrow at the center and halfway between the hind and front legs.

2. Deers
These are the most widely hunted game animals. However, these animals have developed a sense of anticipating hunter’s movements. An arrow on a deer would typically cause unnecessary suffering; to reduce the pain, aim for the area behind the shoulder just above the lungs.

3. Rabbits
These are smaller game animals, and they require sharper and steady hands to hunt. However, if you are new to hunting, you might want to try catching rabbits because they are easier to spot and sometimes captured.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is bow hunting?
Bowhunting is an outdoor recreational sport or activity involving the hunt for games using a bow and arrow. Unlike regular hunting, bowhunting requires more skill and techniques to capture prey effectively. Many cultures have practiced this hunting technique for thousands of years. It survives today mainly as a recreational sport or activity.
What are the laws for bow hunting?
In some states, it is legal for hunting games throughout the entire year except when the prey is a deer, and it falls on the muzzleloader season. A hunter with bow must possess an archery license before hunting– this ensures that you are good at using the weapon and know the right spot to aim.
What Equipment Do I Need for My First Bowhunting?
As a first-time bow hunter in the field, you are expected to be fully equipped to stand a chance at catching a game. Some of the essential equipment expected of you to have in the field include;
- The bow
- Arrow
- A bracer
- Bow stand
- Finger tab
- A quiver
- Bow stringer
- Arrow rest
- Target
Till today, bowhunting remains one of the most prevalent outdoor hunting activities. Whether you are an old or new hunter, the information above has provided the reasons why hunting with bow is great.
Finally, if you are unaware of the things to hunt with a bow, consider any of the above-listed animals.